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Index Description

The STOXX Total Market (TM) Style indices are designed to enable investors to monitor the performance of Eurozone and European countries with similar growth and similar value characteristics. The index series also comprises large, mid and small Style indices. The indices are based on how securties score with respect to six factors. The six factors that are applied to define a company's style designation are condensed into a single style score, leading to a number that measures a company's style purity. Index components are weighted by free-float market cap.

Key facts

  • The indices enable investors to monitor the performance of European and Eurozone companies with similar style characteristics

Descriptive Statistics

Index Market Cap (EUR bn) Components (EUR bn) Component weight (%) Turnover (%)
Full Free-float Mean Median Largest Smallest Largest Smallest Last 12 monts
EURO STOXX Total Market Value Large 2,014.7 1,662.6 30.8 21.8 131.8 2.4 7.9 0.1 31.0
EURO STOXX 7,349.9 5,352.8 18.0 6.6 263.1 1.1 4.9 0.0 3.3

Supersector weighting (top 10)

Country weighting

Risk and return figures1

Index returns Return (%) Annualized return (%)
Last month YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y Last month YTD 1Y 3Y 5Y
EURO STOXX Total Market Value Large -2.6 7.2 9.8 26.0 31.4 N/A N/A 10.0 8.1 5.7
EURO STOXX 0.0 7.8 11.3 17.6 39.5 N/A N/A 11.5 5.6 7.0
Index volatility and risk Annualized volatility (%) Annualized Sharpe ratio2
EURO STOXX Total Market Value Large N/A N/A 11.5 16.1 22.0 N/A N/A 0.5 0.3 0.2
EURO STOXX N/A N/A 12.0 16.8 19.7 N/A N/A 0.6 0.2 0.3
Index to benchmark Correlation Tracking error (%)
EURO STOXX Total Market Value Large 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 6.6 6.8 6.6 7.0 8.0
Index to benchmark Beta Annualized information ratio
EURO STOXX Total Market Value Large 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.0 -5.0 -0.1 -0.2 0.3 -0.1

1For information on data calculation, please refer to STOXX calculation reference guide

2Based on EURIBOR1M

(EUR, Net Return), all data as of November 29, 2024


EURO STOXX Total Market Value Large


Index Price/earnings incl. negative Price/earnings excl. negative Price/book Dividend yield (%)3 Price/sales Price/cash flow
Trailing Projected Trailing Projected Trailing Trailing Trailing
EURO STOXX Total Market Value Large 9.5 8.4 8.5 8.5 0.9 4.6 0.6 -1.4
EURO STOXX 16.1 13.4 14.6 14.6 1.7 2.8 1.2 -9.7

Performance and annual returns


The style characteristics of each stock are determined by analyzing six factors:
projected price-to-earnings ratio, trailing price-to-earnings ratio, price-to-book ratio projected earnings growth, trailing earnings growth, dividend yield.
The qualifying STOXX Europe TMI Large stocks are ranked according to six factors. For each stock the values of the six factors are z-scored for normalization. A multivariate cluster analysis is conducted to produce five clusters: Strong growth (SG) and weak growth (WG), strong value (SV) and weak value (WV) and neutral (NT). The detailed methodology including the calculation formula can be found in our rulebook:

Versions and symbols

Index ISIN Symbol Bloomberg Reuters
Net Return EUR CH0012351083 SLVT SLVT INDEX .SLVT
Net Return USD CH0012351109 SLVU SLVU INDEX .SLVU

Quick Facts

Weighting Free-float market cap
Cap Factor No
No. of components Variable
Review frequency Semi-annually (Mar. and Sep.)
Calculation/distribution Price (EUR): realtime (every 15 seconds) Net return (EUR/USD): end-of-day
Calculation hours Realtime: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm CET End-of-day:6:00 pmCET
Base value/base date 1,000 on Jun. 30, 1997
History Available daily back to Jun. 30, 1997
Inception date Jul. 18, 2001

Top 10 Components4

Company Supersector Country Weight
TOTALENERGIES Energy France 7.927%
ALLIANZ Insurance Germany 6.884%
BCO SANTANDER Banks Spain 4.078%
AXA Insurance France 3.660%
BNP PARIBAS Banks France 3.637%
UNICREDIT Banks Italy 3.582%
VINCI Construction and Materials France 3.541%
INTESA SANPAOLO Banks Italy 3.519%
ENEL Utilities Italy 3.182%

3Net dividend yield is calculated as net return index return minus price index return

4Based on the composition as of November 29, 2024