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STOXX Eastern Europe 300 Telecommunications

Components 1

Company Supersector Country Weight (%)
TURKCELL ILETISIM HIZM. Telecommunications Turkey 24.83648
OTE Telecommunications Greece 24.28039
ORANGE POLSKA Telecommunications Poland 10.94193
HRVATSKI TELEKOM Telecommunications Croatia 9.90702
MAGYAR TELEKOM Telecommunications Hungary 7.79816
CYFROWY POLSAT Telecommunications Poland 6.44149
TURK TELEKOMUNIKASYON Telecommunications Turkey 5.35221
DIGI COMMUNICATIONS NV Telecommunications Romania 4.15008
TEXT Telecommunications Poland 2.11901
TELEKOM SLOVENIJE Telecommunications Slovenia 1.47576
ERICSSON NIKOLA TESLA Telecommunications Croatia 1.071
TELIA LIETUVA Telecommunications Lithuania 0.93785
KAREL ELEKTRONIK Telecommunications Turkey 0.68862
1Based on the last periodic review implementation