VDAX measures the volatility of the German equity market based on the DAX options traded on the Eurex derivatives exchange. STOXX provides standardized access to the expected fluctuation band of the DAX for the next 30 days with the VDAX volatility index. For instance: A VDAX level of 20 and a DAX level of 4,000 shows that volatility of between 3,770 and 4,230 is expected on the derivatives market. The methodology simplifies tracking of the index for derivatives and structured products. Volatility is thus tradable as a separate asset class for investors. The volatility of a market is negatively correlated to the performance of this market, so pure volatility is an ideal addition to diversify portfolios for both institutional and private investors.
Index Guides, Benchmark statement, and other reports are available under the "Data & Methodology" tab.