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The indices, which underlie futures on Eurex, facilitate relative value trades in an innovative and efficient way.
In this paper, we analyze the performance of some of the flagship ESG-X indices underlying exchange-traded derivatives (ETDs) and exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
A new study reveals stock-specific and industry factors have driven the extra returns this year of portfolios with sustainability-based exclusions.
From a base of standard exclusions, ESG integration is an enhanced stage that improves the sustainable profile of portfolios and often helps returns too.
A wide menu of ESG indices is designed to accompany investors in every step of the transition to different types of sustainable portfolios.
Qontigo’s Global Co-Head of Sales discusses ongoing trends in the indexing industry, at a recent etfLIVE event.
As the price of crude oil slumped below zero this month, one segment of the equity market got a boost from the unprecedented situation.
After experiencing an extended period of backwardation, when does it make sense to look to shorting VSTOXX Index futures?
The new index excludes companies engaged in controversial activities and integrates ESG scoring into stock selection, thus aiming to become the benchmark for German sustainable equity portfolios.
The gauge of Eurozone market volatility goes from second-lowest reading on record to highest since 2008 in a matter of days.
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