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The STOXX Global 1800 Index falls 4% in month when measured in dollars and including dividends. The US Federal Reserve indicates it may raise interest rates as early as next year amid signs that a spike in inflation could last longer than previously thought. US and European stocks drop in the month, led by Momentum, basic-resources and high-dividend shares.
The STOXX® Global 1800 Index gains 2.5% in dollars in August, lifting this year’s advance to 17.5%, amid economic optimism and expectations that interest rates will remain low. The VSTOXX® index, the gauge of European equity volatility, remains higher than it was before COVID-19 hit financial markets in the first quarter of 2020.
The STOXX SRI (Socially Responsible Investing) indices are part of Qontigo's index-based sustainability solutions framework, which grew this year to address investors’ varied ESG needs and ambitions. The SRI indices seek to improve the ESG profile of the portfolio and lower its carbon emissions.
The STOXX® Global 1800 Index gains 1.6% in dollars in July as investors’ optimism about economic and earnings growth outweighs concerns that a new variant of the COVID-19 virus may slow down the recovery. Asian stocks fall as China tightens regulation over some industries.
The world’s share of responsibly managed assets continued to expand in the two years through 2019, according to one of the most comprehensive industry studies. US-based ESG assets jumped 42% during the period. In Europe, sustainable assets dropped amid higher standards of what constitutes an ESG investment.
The STOXX® Global 1800 Index gains 1.5% in dollars in June and jumps 4.6% in euros following a rally in the greenback. Investors turn to Momentum stocks during the month but snub high-dividend shares. Equity volatility continues its march lower.
The STOXX® Global 1800 Index rises 1.5% in May as countries lift restrictions put in place to control the COVID-19 pandemic. The pan-European STOXX® Europe 600 Index increases 2.7% in euros. Both benchmarks mark a new record high in the month.
ESG integration, sustainability, and impact investing...While there may be overlap in the meanings of these terms, they each represent a distinct approach to “doing well while doing good” in investor portfolios.
Global index rises 4.5% in month amid ongoing expectations for a post-pandemic economic recovery. Gains are led by US and European markets, and by Momentum stocks, which came back in favor after a lackluster first quarter.
We look at the STOXX index families that make up the first category in Qontigo’s index-based sustainability solutions. Our ‘Exclude’ category – consisting of the STOXX ESG-X, ESG Broad Market and ESG blue-chip indices – helps investors incorporate a varied degree of responsible engagement and risk mitigation into portfolios.
Our comprehensive and flexible STOXX ESG indices range has grown to address investors’ varied sustainability needs and ambitions. Thanks to an open-architecture platform that integrates the best available ESG data, Qontigo’s index-based sustainability solutions provide the transparent and robust index characteristics you need to optimize your portfolio’s impact.
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