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STOXX Global 1800 Index gains 2.4% in month amid continued hopes for a post-lockdown economic recovery. Value stocks, banks’ shares and dividend strategies are among the month’s standout performers.
One of Qontigo's Thematic Indices offers exposure to beneficiaries of the booming video gaming industry. We take a look at its methodology and composition.
Qontigo has licensed the iSTOXX® Global Transformation Select 30 Index to Citi to underlie a structured product. The index represents an investment targeted at key areas driving deep societal and economic change.
A new Qontigo whitepaper examines this year’s outperformance of the ESG benchmark for German equities relative to the DAX and HDAX indices.
STOXX Ltd., der globale Indexanbieter des Finanzdienstleisters Qontigo, hat heute überarbeitete Regeln für die DAX-Auswahlindizes (DAX, MDAX, SDAX und TecDAX) vorgestellt. Diese werden nunmehr sukzessive eingeführt.
Today, Qontigo’s global index provider STOXX Ltd., has published revised rules for the DAX Selection Indices (DAX, MDAX, SDAX and TecDAX). These rules will now be introduced successively.
A new STOXX index tracks the largest companies facilitating and benefitting from the digital revolution in financial services.
The iSTOXX Global Transformation Select 30 EUR Index combines a thematic approach with sustainable criteria and low-volatility/high-dividend screens.
Eli Levy, co-chief executive officer of More Investment House, talks to us about a new ETF tracking the STOXX Europe 600 Low Carbon Index.
Qontigo’s new Global Head of ESG participated at a panel organized by Climate Action last week, entitled ‘Going beyond climate: managing environment risks.’
The EURO STOXX 50® Volatility-Balanced Index is posting its best year on record, proving the prowess of a tail-risk hedge strategy as the COVID-19 pandemic brought economies to a standstill and rattled financial markets.
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