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From a base of standard exclusions, ESG integration is an enhanced stage that improves the sustainable profile of portfolios and often helps returns too.
A wide menu of ESG indices is designed to accompany investors in every step of the transition to different types of sustainable portfolios.
STOXX is introducing a second generation of environmental, social and governance (ESG) benchmarks with a version of the flagship EURO STOXX 50® Index.
Responsible investing expanded 34% worldwide between 2016 and the end of 2017, according to the latest data from the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance (GSIA).
The growth of responsible investing has been one of the most defining trends of recent years in the asset-management industry. Investing along responsible lines is now a major consideration, if not the standard position, for most large asset owners and money managers.
STOXX has launched the Eurozone’s first set of indices combining a factor strategy with responsible-investing screens that meet the standard sustainable policies of investors.
Negative or exclusionary screening is the most popular environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy among asset owners and managers.
The growth of sustainable investing in recent years has been nothing short of spectacular, propelling this market segment from the fringe to center stage.
More asset owners and managers joined the ranks of those divesting from tobacco and coal-related stocks in the year that ends, cementing a trend that is likely to intensify in coming years.
Socially responsible investing (SRI) has in recent years become a major consideration in the asset-management industry. Three recent surveys help shed light on the high level of adoption among both institutional and retail investors. 
Statistical analysis and probability theory have long focused on the problem of trying to detect turning points in financial markets.
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