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ESG integration, sustainability, and impact investing…While there may be overlap in the meanings of these terms, they each represent a distinct approach to “ ...
The STOXX® Regional Industry Neutral ESG indices track the performance of the leading companies with regard to Environmental, Social and Governance criteria, ...
Apr 28, 2021 ... ESG & Sustainability | We look at the STOXX index families that make up the first category in Qontigo's index-based sustainability solutions ...
... ESG ETFs' from ETF Express. Qontigo has long prioritized ESG and sustainability indices and has launched a comprehensive Sustainable Investing Ecosystem.
Jul 16, 2021 ... ESG & Sustainability | The first annual ESG survey from the Index Industry Association (IIA) shows asset managers are preparing for ...
The DAX® 50 ESG Index is the flagship index for sustainable equity investments in Germany and the most recent addition to the DAX® index offerings. The DAX® 50 ...
Sep 30, 2021 ... ... sustainability objectives of their pension fund clients including integrating sustainable development investments (SDI) and low carbon targets.
The methodology is designed to ensure an ESG index which serves as a benchmark for sustainable German equity portfolios. The selection universe for the DAX® 50 ...
Feb 26, 2021 ... The indices remove companies in breach of Sustainability's Global Standards Screening, as well as those involved with controversial weapons, ...
The STOXX® Regional Industry Neutral ESG indices track the performance of the leading companies with regard to Environmental, Social and Governance criteria, ...
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