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STOXX has won the Investment Excellence Award in the category “Index Provider of the Year”. The award was presented by Global Investor Group at their annual awards dinner in London on Wednesday.
STOXX Ltd. has introduced the STOXX® Emerging Markets 800 LO Minimum Variance Index (STOXX EM 800 LO MinVar), expanding its suite of rules-based minimum variance strategies to the universe of developing nations.
Statistical analysis and probability theory have long focused on the problem of trying to detect turning points in financial markets.
Use of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) among European institutional investors continues to grow, driven by both tactical and strategic functions and by the access to new markets, according to an annual survey from Greenwich Associates.
STOXX has licensed the EURO iSTOXX 50 ESG Focus Index and the EURO iSTOXX 50 ESG Focus GR Decrement 5% Index to the British bank Barclays as underlyings for the issuance of structured products.
STOXX has been recognized as 2018’s “Best Smart Beta Index Provider, Asia-Pacific” by Structured Retail Products (SRP). This is the first time STOXX Ltd. has received this award. The awards ceremony was held in Singapore.
PULSE ONLINE recently caught up with Rick Redding, chief executive officer of the Index Industry Association. We asked him about the association’s work in representing the industry and the tasks ahead for providers in a market that’s quickly embracing indexing.
We have entered an era of machines with imagination and perception. Those of us in financial services are witnessing first-hand how artificial intelligence, new technologies and digital solutions are transforming our industry.
Assets invested in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) worldwide may rise by about two thirds to 7.6 trillion dollars through 2020, as more investors favor their low cost and liquidity, according to a new report1 by EY that includes a survey of industry participants.
This year STOXX Ltd. introduced two indices that give exposure to the growing theme of artificial intelligence (AI).
A recent report by Research Affiliates1 states that while momentum is one of the most compelling risk premia factors, there is a significant performance gap between theoretical and live results, with the latter proving considerably weaker.
The European Commission (EC) has launched a plan a for a “far-reaching reform” of the financial system that aims to boost the role of investors in pushing environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles in the corporate world.
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