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The STOXX Global 1800 Index rises in month, helped by continuing strength in US shares and a slump in the dollar.
A new study reveals stock-specific and industry factors have driven the extra returns this year of portfolios with sustainability-based exclusions.
The A-share market is up 18% in 2020 as improving economic data emboldens domestic investors in the first country hit by COVID-19.
From a base of standard exclusions, ESG integration is an enhanced stage that improves the sustainable profile of portfolios and often helps returns too.
A research report examines the risk and returns, and factor contribution, of the new pan-Europe benchmark aligned with global warming targets.
The EURO STOXX 50® Volatility-Balanced Index is posting its best year on record, proving the prowess of a tail-risk hedge strategy as the COVID-19 pandemic brought economies to a standstill and rattled financial markets.
The STOXX Climate Benchmarks exceed the requirements laid out in the European Union Climate Transition and Paris-Aligned Benchmark rules.
Qontigo has licensed the iSTOXX Global NexGen Communication Innovative Technology Index to Yuanta Securities Investment Trust Co. Ltd. (Yuanta SITC) in Taiwan.
If the theme of the first quarter was the COVID 19-induced shock, then the second quarter’s theme was disjointedness. For factor indices, this led to mixed results.
The STOXX Global 1800 Index has best calendar quarter since the recovery from the global financial crisis but remains down 5.2% in 2020.
Qontigo is introducing flagship STOXX indices that comply with, and exceed, the requirements laid out in the new European Union Climate Benchmarks regulation.
New European Union (EU) rules establishing Climate Benchmarks standards have come into application, part of the region’s plan to channel investment capital towards the fight against global warming.
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