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The German stock-market company said the Eurex STOXX USA 500 ESG-X Futures contract screens out thermal-coal mining, coal-fired power plants, controversial weapons.
A decade-long bull market defied the odds and grew stronger in 2019, as investors took on risk despite growing geopolitical headwinds. 
Trading in futures on the STOXX® Europe 600 ESG-X Index (FSEG) was the busiest on record in December, as more investors turn to the exchange-traded derivatives to manage their responsible portfolios. 
New STOXX USA 500 ESG-X Index Futures support Eurex’s global ESG strategy.
STOXX is synonymous with equity indexing in Europe. The STOXX® Europe 600 Index, EURO STOXX® Index and EURO STOXX 50® Index have for over 20 years provided liquid and effective access to the region’s stock market, based on transparent rules and an objective methodology. 
The STOXX® Europe 600 ESG-X Index has been licensed to Kairos Partners SGR to delimit the investment universe of the model portfolio of Kairos International Sicav - ActivESG P (KIS ActivESG).
The outstanding growth of responsible investing will reach a new milestone next week, when investors will be able to trade European options tracking environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategies for the first time. 
With US demand for environmental, social and governance (ESG) investment strategies on the rise, it is timely to look at the recent performance of the STOXX® USA 500 ESG-X Index. 
Earlier in the year, STOXX introduced the EURO STOXX 50® ESG Index, a second-generation environmental, social and governance (ESG) version of the iconic EURO STOXX 50® Index that follows standard investment exclusions and integrates companies’ ESG scores into stock selection.   
In May, STOXX introduced a fully-fledged ESG-X Index family comprised of versions of established benchmarks that exclude companies based on standard environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles. 
As more data on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors becomes available and widely adopted, so does the debate grow about the efficiency and materiality of this information, and how best to use it while investing.  
STOXX is introducing a second generation of environmental, social and governance (ESG) benchmarks with a version of the flagship EURO STOXX 50® Index.
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