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STOXX has licensed the EURO iSTOXX 50 ESG Focus Index and the EURO iSTOXX 50 ESG Focus GR Decrement 5% Index to the British bank Barclays as underlyings for the issuance of structured products.
PULSE ONLINE recently caught up with Rick Redding, chief executive officer of the Index Industry Association. We asked him about the association’s work in representing the industry and the tasks ahead for providers in a market that’s quickly embracing indexing.
STOXX Ltd. announced that the iSTOXX Global Diversity Impact Select 30 Index and the iSTOXX Europe Diversity Impact Select 30 Index were licensed to Goldman Sachs as an underlying for the issuance of structured products.
Rather than slow down, the record-breaking rally in global equities accelerated in the first month of 2018, with little clouding investors’ increasing conviction that the world economy is on firm footing.
As we reviewed the outlook for equity markets in 2018 in a recent article, UBS highlighted the disruptive trends of digitalization and robotics in its forecast, pointing out that technology stocks may continue their march higher.
After a bumper year for equities, strategists are forecasting further gains for 2018, while pointing to risks from rising bond yields and higher volatility.
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