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This article provides a high-level refresher of what tracking error means, and how we can embed it directly into portfolio construction.
As the luxury goods industry experiences a post-pandemic boom and its companies become some of the largest in the world, a new thematic index and ETF offer investors an opportunity to track this business segment in a targeted way that would not be possible through a traditional sector strategy. The Kodex European Luxury Top 10 ETF was listed in Korea on Apr. 25 and tracks the STOXX Europe Luxury 10 index.
The STOXX Global 1800 index rose 1.8% in dollars in April, and the STOXX World AC added 1.5%, following better-than-expected economic and business reports. There were gains across all regions, and Low Risk was the leading factor in the month.
EconSight’s sophisticated patent classification system helps determine which companies are likely to lead in future technological markets. The company’s indicators and deep know-how is employed in the stock selection process of the STOXX Global Metaverse index.
Qontigo has licensed the STOXX® Europe Luxury 10 index to Samsung Asset Management, to serve as an underlying index for an inaugural ETF listing on the Korean Exchange. The index comprises ten of the largest European companies in the luxury goods sector, including some of the world’s most iconic premium brands: Dior, Hermès, LVMH and Moncler.
Despite its main association with online gaming and social media, the Metaverse is also providing a virtual platform for industries to employ technologies aimed at improving efficiency, controlling supply chains and monitoring risk-management processes. The STOXX Global Metaverse Index is designed to capture the pioneers developing those applications.
The STOXX Global 1800 index rose 3% in dollars and only 0.6% in euros in March. The Fed on March 22 increased its key borrowing rate by 25 basis points to the highest since 2007, but removed from a statement previous references to the need for “ongoing” rate rises.
Our analysis shows how an optimized sustainability index can decrease active risk and free up more of the risk budget to be allocated to the desired sustainability metric(s), making the resulting portfolio a suitable replacement for a traditional benchmark.
At a recent IPE webinar, experts from Qontigo and DWS discussed how investors can build a sustainable strategy considering their impact objectives, tracking error budgets and the need to comply with evolving regulation.
The recent collapse of several banks has sparked fears of a 2011-style “doom loop,” in which losses in the financial sector spread to the wider economy. So far, contagion has been limited, but a further deterioration in credit quality could result in drawdowns across all sectors.
Two panels at the SRP Europe Conference 2023 discussed the role of index design in building structured products for a changing market landscape. Topics covered include rising interest rates and volatility, and growing demand for sustainability and thematic investment strategies.
The modular STOXX World indices allow investors to flexibly build portfolios covering a broad and liquid universe of stocks, slicing and dicing the world’s equity markets along regions, countries, market capitalization and sectors.
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